The mission of Morning Star is to point people to the grace of God that we find in Jesus.
We pursue this mission through a vision of:
  • inspirational worship
  • radical inclusion
  • alleviation of suffering
A six-week Lenten worship series called “United Methodism 101: Confirming Faith Through Scripture, Tradition, Reason and Experience” will continue on Sunday, March 16, 2025, as we explore some of the basic premises of the Wesleyan movement while several of our youth work through the confirmation process. The second message in the series, “Unity,” is rooted in Luke 22:14-23. Contemporary worship will take place in person and online ( at 9:15 AM, and traditional worship will take place in person at 11:15 AM.

All are welcome!
Thank you for your generous and immediate response to the financial update that Business Manager Patty Groth shared on Sunday, March 2, and to my letter that followed on Tuesday. The numbers above reflect your support of the ways that we at Morning Star seek to participate in the work of God in the world. Thank you. It's your regular practice of generosity that makes the pursuit of our mission possible.

Thanks be to God.
 - Pastor Amy

Sunday Mornings at 10:15

Snacks are organized by Justy Wykert and brought by congregation members to be shared in between services. Check out the theme for next week below, and contact Justy at for more information. Thank you!

March Snack Themes:
3/16/25- Lucky Charm- St. Patrick’s Day is almost here. Foods in the color green are all the cheer...
3/23/25- Hello Spring- Bring your Springtime treats.
3/30/25- Have You Seen The Muffin Man- Bring your favorite flavor of muffins.

***Please help support each week’s theme by bringing food to share.

Parables takes place at 10:15 AM and is storytelling project. Come early for the coffee and snacks; stay for the stories.
3/16 - Roger Whiteaker Re: Food Truck Friday
3/23 - Rochelle Arrellano Re: Food Pantry
3/30 - Safer Sanctuaries, Part 1
4/6 - Safer Sancuaries, Part 2

Enneagram and United Methodist Social Justice Principles at 10:15.

Thank You Morning Stars!

Thank You Morning Stars!
Once again you have shown your generosity and support by donating your new and gently used items to this season’s Blankets & Socks Brigade. Here’s what you gave to children and adults in need from October 2024 through February 2025:

Blankets:  119
Pairs of Socks:  407

That’s almost 24 blankets and just over 81 pairs of socks per month!

These are the local folks who benefited from your generosity:

Cesar Chavez Elementary School (30 Title 1 families)
McKinney-Vento Project Link Homeless Education Program, LCPS
Community of Hope
La Casa, Inc. (Domestic Violence Shelter)

The Mission Team is grateful to all who donated.  You are truly the hands and feet of Jesus, and are fulfilling one of Morning Star’s key missions of alleviating suffering.  Muchas gracias!

With gratitude,
Margaret Jorgensen & Brenda Whiteaker
Blanket & Socks Brigade
Mission Team

Safer Sanctuaries Training

Our commitment to the safety of the most vulnerable among us requires us to stay current in what we call our Safer Sanctuaries training. This policy also helps us maintain legal integrity and accountability. Every person who works with children and youth in any capacity at Morning Star is required to complete the training every year. It’s also required for anyone working with vulnerable populations, which would include our food distributions and congregational care. This training is available online, and if you are interested in taking it that way, please contact Angie Hereford at

To make it even easier, Angie will offer a two-part training during Parables at 10:30 AM  on March 30 and April 6. Registration is not required.  You merely need to show up and sign in, but you will need to attend both sessions to complete the training. Please contact Angie at the email above with any questions. Thank you.

The Upper Room

We have experienced a delay in receiving the latest edition of The Upper Room. They will hopefully arrive in the next couple weeks!

If you would like to start a personal digital subscription in the meantime, information can be found at

This Week at Morning Star

Here's what is going on THIS week at Morning Star:
Monday - Friday: Spring Break Art Camp, 9A - 12P
Monday: Men's Bible Study 8:30A - 9:30A. In-person and on Zoom (link here)
Tuesday: Senior Connections, 10A - 1P
Wednesday: Aging Gracefully Fitness Class, this week in the back of the Sanctuary 11A - 12P
ON BREAK: Wednesday Nights at Morning Star
Thursday: Women's Bible Study 9A - 10A. In-person and on Zoom (link here)
Praise Band Practice 6:30P
Friday: Choir Practice 4:30P
Saturday: Celebration of Life of Bruce David Allen, 10A
Sunday: Confirmation Class 2P - 3:30P

Food Truck Friday, March 21 
Empty Bowls at Camino, March 27

Don't see something you need more info on? Check the Events & Upcoming Events Calendars in the app and online at

Celebration of Life for Bruce David Allen

The Celebration of Life for Bruce David Allen will take place on Saturday, March 15 at 10 AM at Morning Star Church.

Food Truck Friday

Food Truck Friday returns on March 21 from 5-8 PM in the lower parking lot. This month's theme will be March Madness, and we will have various Basketball-themed activities.
Please bring cash as some vendors cannot accept cards. Please come and support this outreach ministry!

Empty Bowls

The Empty Bowls Silent Auction will take place on Thursday, March 27 starting 5:00 PM at the Camino Real Middle School Cafeteria. Come bid on bowls designed by Camino art students while enjoying a snack and conversation with the CRMS community.

Practicing Generosity at Morning Star

We want to make Practicing Generosity as easy as possible at Morning Star.

Text MSTARLC to 888.364.GIVE
You will receive a text back with instructions on how to give on your phone.

Mail a check to:
2941 Morningstar Drive, Las Cruces, NM. 88011

On our website:
Click on Give and you can give online or simply click on the GIVE button below.

In person:
You can bring your gift to church on Sundays and drop it in the box at the back of the Sanctuary.

Questions or you need help setting up a recurring gift? Email Patty Groth:
If there is anything you would like added to next week's The Star Weekly, send requests to Brishen at by Thursday.