online worship

At Morning Star we recognize our Online Campus as a part of the church. No matter where you are. Worship live with us on  Sundays, at 9:15 MST. Participate in worship by joining the chat and letting us know you're here. Come curious. Save some juice and bread for Communion.
Have your Bible ready to read along.

At Morning Star we recognize that your Sabbath may not be on Sunday.
That's why online worship is available 24/7, 365 days a year.
Watch. Whenever. Wherever.

Current Sermon Series

"Holy Living", Being the church in today's world"

A five-part worship series called “Revealed: Experiencing the Extraordinary in the Ordinary” will begin on Sunday, December 1, 2024, as we consider how we could possibly encounter anything special or new in yet another holiday season full of obligation and busyness.
December 1 -  the first message in the series, “Hope,” is rooted in Luke 1:8-13; 18-30.
December 8 -  the second message in the series, “Peace,” is rooted in Luke 1:26-38.
December 15 -  the third message in the series, “Love,” is rooted in Matthew 1:18-25.
December 22 - the fourth message in the series, “Joy,” is rooted in Luke 1:39-45.
December 24 - the final message in the series, “God With Us,” is rooted in Isaiah 7:14 and will be offered as part of the Christmas Eve candlelight services of lessons and carols in the sanctuary and online at 4 PM and at 6 PM.
Contemporary worship will take place in person and online ( at 9:15 AM, and traditional worship will take place in person at 11:15 AM Sundays.
Come curious. Save some juice and bread for Communion. Have your Bible ready to read along.
All are welcome!